
Justus-Liebig-Universität GießenMehr sehen

addressAdresseGießen, Hessen
type Form der ArbeitTeilzeit


PhD Candidate (m/f/d) in the field of lung research

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Arbeitsort Gießen , Hessen , Deutschland
Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge
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Support us from as of now in part-time (50 %) as a PhD candidate (m/f/d) in the field of lung research The position is part of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), disease area Pneumonia and Acute Lung Injury and is limited for the duration of three years at the Chair of Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Infections, Department of Medicine V at the Faculty of Medicine. The salary is in accordance with the collective labour agreement of the State of Hessen (E 13 TV-H).
The project aims to develop new approaches for the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of severe lung diseases, with a focus on secondary bacterial infections.
Your tasks at a glance We are looking for an enthusiastic, highly motivated PhD candidate who wants to contribute to cutting-edge research with a focus on analyses based on molecular biology methods and preclinical models The successful candidates will be responsible for planning and conducting scientific experiments with the goal to prepare a peer reviewed paper Your qualifications and competences Completed Master’s or equivalent university degree in biology, biochemistry, medicine or veterinary medicine Experience with molecular biology methods, single cell analyses, cell culture, preclinical models in infection biology or experimental lung research Excellent English language skills and the desire to work in a dynamic international team The candidate should be autonomous and proactive and willing to work with animal models Our offer to you A varied job with flexible working hours Free use of local public transport (LandesTicket Hessen) More than 100 training seminars, workshops and e-learning opportunities per year for personal development, as well as a wide range of health and sports activities Remuneration according to TV-H, company pension scheme, child allowance and special payments Good compatibility of family and career (certificate "audit familiengerechte hochschule") JLU aims to employ more women in academic research. We therefore particularly encourage female candidates to apply. JLU is regarded as a family-friendly university. Applicants with children are very welcome. Applications from disabled people of equal aptitude will be given preference.
You want to break new ground with us?
Apply via our online form by April 4 th , 2024 , indicating reference number 168/11. We look forward to receiving your application.
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Refer code: 1284662. Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen - Der vorherige Tag - 2024-03-26 03:07

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Gießen, Hessen

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