
H+ Hotel Frankfurt Airport WestMehr sehen

addressAdresseHofheim am Taunus
type Form der ArbeitFull-time

Jobbeschreibung ist mit über 60 Standorten im In- und Ausland einer der größten Hotelbetreiber Deutschlands. Zu dem familiengeführten Unternehmen zählen die Marken HYPERION Hotels, H4 Hotels, H2 Hotels, H+ Hotels und H.ostels. Diese werden durch die eigenen Servicegesellschaften vollständig aus eigener Kraft gesteuert.

Ausbildung Hotelfach (m/w/d) August 2023

ab August 2023 | Karrierestart | Vollzeit


✓ Übernahmegarantie
✓ Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld
✓ Mitarbeiter- und Family-/Friends Rate

✓ Zuschüsse Jobticket und Kinderbetreuung
✓ Trainings-Academy by

✓ Große Azubi Community
✓ Rabatte für Shopping und Events
✓ Prämien für Mitarbeiterwerbungen

Deine Aufgaben

  • Praxiserfahrung. Zunächst lernst du die ersten Handgriffe und die Vielfalt der Hotellerie kennen
  • Entdecker. Du wirst in den Bereichen Empfang, Service, Veranstaltungen und Küche zum Profi ausgebildet
  • Hotelstar. Bei uns bekommst du die Chance auch nach deiner Ausbildung weiter im Unternehmen zu arbeiten

Dein Profil

  • Durchstarter. Du bist motiviert gemeinsam mit uns ins Berufsleben zu starten
  • Hummeln im Hintern. Ein Bürojob ist nichts für dich - du liebst es, aktiv zu sein
  • Gastgeber. Du denkst serviceorientiert und freust dich, mit Menschen in Kontakt zu treten
  • Sprachtalent. Dir fällt es leicht, dich auf Deutsch und Englisch zu verständigen

H+ Hotel Frankfurt Airport West

  • 158 Komfortzimmer
  • Restaurant und Bar sowie Terrasse
  • 6 Konferenzräume für bis zu 300 Personen
  • Sauna und Fitnessraum
  • kostenfreie Parkplätze


H+ Hotel Frankfurt Airport West
Casteller Straße 106
65719 Hofheim-Diedenbergen

Statistische Analyse

Statistische Analyse ist die Verarbeitung und Darstellung von Daten über Nutzeraktionen und -interaktionen auf Websites und Apps (z.B. Anzahl der Seitenbesuche, Anzahl der eindeutigen Besucher, Anzahl der wiederkehrenden Besucher, Einstiegs- und Ausstiegsseiten, Verweildauer, Absprungrate, Betätigung von Schaltflächen) und ggf. die Einteilung von Nutzern in Gruppen aufgrund technischer Daten über die verwendeten Softwareeinstellungen (z.B. Browsertyp, Betriebssystem, Spracheinstellung, Bildschirmauflösung).

  • Google Analytics

    Switch Label label

    Recipient: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, Fax: +353 (1) 4361001). •The Google Analytics website analysis service uses technologies such as cookies, tracking pixels and device fingerprinting to identify specific user behavior on websites. Here, information stored on the users' end devices is also processed. By using tracking pixels integrated into websites and cookies placed on users' end devices, Yahoo Web Analytics processes the information generated by these devices about the use of our website, such as if a particular website was retrieved and access information for the purpose of statistical analysis. The access data in particular includes the IP address, browser information, the website previously visited and the date and time of the server request. Google Analytics is used with the "anonymizeIp ()" add-on. Here, IP addresses are transferred in their shorter form to make it difficult to trace it back to an individual. IP addresses are shortened prior to transfer within EU member states in line with Google specifications.

Personalisierte Werbung

Personalisierte Werbung: Bestimmte Funktionen von Websites und Apps dienen dazu, Nutzern personalisierte Werbemittel (Anzeigen oder Werbespots) in anderen Zusammenhängen, beispielsweise auf anderen Websites, Plattformen oder Apps anzuzeigen. Dafür werden aus demografischen Angaben, verwendeten Suchbegriffen, kontextbezogenen Inhalten, Nutzerverhaltensweisen auf Websites und in Apps oder aus dem Standort von Nutzern Rückschlüsse über die Interessen der Nutzer gezogen. Auf der Grundlage dieser Interessen werden künftig Werbemittel ausgewählt und bei anderen Anbietern von Online-Inhalten angezeigt.

  • Facebook Custom Audiences

    Recipient: Facebook Ireland Ltd.,4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, IrelandThe "Website Custom Audiences" marketing tool by Facebook uses technologies such as cookies, tracking pixels (Facebook pixels) and device fingerprinting, to gather information about user behaviour on our website.As a result, website users and Facebook users that belong in a comparable target group as part of visiting the Facebook and Instagram social networks can be shown interest-based advertising (Facebook ads)Using the Facebook pixels (small graphics that are incorporated into our website and automatically loaded when retrieving our website to allow tracking of user behaviour), the user's browser automatically establishes a direct link with the Facebook server.By integrating the Facebook pixels, Facebook uses the information generated by the cookies on your device about your use of our website, such as the retrieval of a specific website and processes access data, in particular your IP address, browser information, the website previously visited, the Facebook ID and the date and time of the server request for the purpose of displaying targeted advertisingIf users are logged in to a Facebook service, Facebook can assign the information gathered to the user's Facebook account.

  • Google DoubleClick

    Recipient: Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, Fax: +353 (1) 4361001).The "DoubleClick" online advertising service by Google uses technologies such as cookies, tracking pixels and device fingerprinting to display adverts that are relevant to users, improve reports about campaign performance or to prevent users from being shown the same advert multiple times. Information stored on the users' end devices is also processed. By using tracking pixels integrated into websites and cookies placed on users' end devices, Google determines which adverts are displayed in which browser to prevent the same advert from being shown multiple times. Google processes the information provided by the user's device about the use of our website and interactions with our website, as well as access data, in particular the IP address, browser information, the website previously visited and the date and time of the server request displaying targeted advertising. This enables Google and its partner websites to show adverts based on previous user behaviour on websites. By integrating DoubleClick, Google receives the information that corresponding sections of our website have been retrieved or that our adverts have been clicked on. Furthermore, DoubleClick can also use cookies and tracking pixels to analyse user actions in relation to a viewed advert. For example, it can be analysed whether a user has visited a website following the placement of an advert and whether they purchased a product or service there. Using these marketing tools, the user's browser automatically establishes a direct link with the Google server. If users are logged in to a Google service, Google can associate the visit with the user's account.

  • Bing Ads or "Microsoft Ads" online advertising service

    Switch Label label

    Recipient: (Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, hereinafter "Microsoft").The Microsoft online advertising service uses technologies such as cookies, tracking pixels and device fingerprinting to display user-related content and improve reports about campaign performance information stored by users on their devices is also processed. Using Microsoft Ads, user-related advertising can be shown based on search results in the Bing and Yahoo search engines. The adverts may also refer to products and services that have already been viewed by the user on our website. Here, user interactions on our website are analysed, such as which services the user is interested in order to display targeted advertising to users when visiting other websites. When users visit our website, Microsoft Ads stores a cookie on the user's end device. Using cookies and tracking pixels, Microsoft processes the information provided by the user's device about the use of our website and interactions with our website, as well as access data, in particular the IP address, browser information, the website previously visited and the date and time of the server request for the purpose of displaying and analyzing personalised adverts. The Microsoft Ads online advertising service also enables us to measure the reach of our adverts and ascertain the success of a particular advert. Here, Ad Server cookies to measure reach using specific parameters, such as integrating the adverts, time spent viewing them or clicks by the user.

Refer code: 620169. H+ Hotel Frankfurt Airport West - Der vorherige Tag - 2023-09-29 14:05

H+ Hotel Frankfurt Airport West

Hofheim am Taunus

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